Our Journey, Part 3: Enter the Kiddos

The part where things get really fun & really crazy.  Also where I get over myself a bit & stop wallowing in my problems.  And where we meet the two cutest babies in the world & the sweetest little twin boys... it's the best part, basically.  :)

April 17, 2011 - Three days after our licensed is approved, we are called about our first placement, Maggie, who was still in the NICU; Went to the hospital that night & spend the next 2 ½ days there while we waited for her to be discharged.  It was beautiful, emotional, peaceful time spent.

April 20, 2011 - Signed papers & took Maggie home.  Our home was so reverent for what seemed like weeks.  It didn't feel real.

May 2011 - Our case manager called us a search for an adoption placement for twin boys; We put our names in, even though we had only planned on taking two children, but later were told they were not being placed at that time after all.

June 1, 2011 - Called again about the boys; Asked if we were still interested.  We say yes.

June 3, 2011 - Alex and Art are finally brought to our home.  They had the clothes on their backs, six diapers, & one pair of PJ bottoms between them.  They didn't talk much, they hid food under their beds, & they had terrible nightmares.

July 2011 - We found out there was a fictive kin homestudy being conducted for the twins. 

August 2011 - The homestudy came back unfavorable, & the permanency goal is changed to “adoption by non-relative.”  (That’s us!)  Also, I left my job at the gallery to stay home with the kids. 

August 18, 2011 - After various ongoing therapies & specialist visits (averaging 5 visits per week since April), Maggie is discharged from all extra therapies!  She continues to see a specialist once a quarter to monitor development.  This baby is STRONG in spirit.

September 2011 - Regretting playing dumb (i.e., ignoring) reproductive issues for 10 months.  Abnormal annual exam, second exam to confirm abnormalness, exams planned every six months to monitor abnormalness, & recommended second surgery for endometriosis removal due to increasing pain.  Doc puts me on Depo-Provera to control symptoms & override cycles until surgery is an option.  The normal dose is one shot every three months, but mine is three shots every month.

October 2011 - Twins:  Permanency review, subsequent termination of parental rights (TPR), & final “goodbye” visit for their biological mom.  Beginning of a 90 day appeal period in which their bio family can intervene.  After this, if no one does so successfully, we can adopt.  Also they were discharged from play therapy at the therapist's recommendation - they are adjusting gorgeously & the progress in them over just five months is incredible. 

November 2011 - Intervention was filed by the fictive kin couple who failed their homestudy back in July 2011.  Their case was dismissed in court as they did not meet the requirements to intervene after this long – they are not blood related.  (Plus, they failed their homestudy.)

January 4, 2012 - Last day of appeal period for twins, we found out a relative had gotten a lawyer & was planning to file.  (Short version:  They didn't file.  All that lies ahead for the twins' case is adoption by us!)

January 2012 - More paperwork for adoption – basically it’s like getting homestudied all over again, just like when we got licensed last year.

January 24, 2012 - Permanency review for Maggie; termination trial scheduled for February.  All kinds of relatives popping up wanting homestudies now, almost 10 months after she was removed.

February 10, 2012 - Adoption day for our wonderful twin boys!
February 13, 2012 - Termination of parental rights (TPR) for Maggie.  Start 90-day appeal period in which family can intervene.  A biological aunt starts a homestudy, but has yet to hire a lawyer.  Anxiously awaiting May 13, 2012.

February 14, 2012 - Surprised myself by saying 'yes' to 4-day-old baby girl, Mary.  She is a living, breathing miracle, & is thriving despite the trauma she has already faced in her short time on this earth.  

February 27, 2012 - Goodbye visit for  Maggie's biological family.  Her biological parents invited the aunt & uncle receiving the homestudy, & this is the first time they have ever met her, despite knowing the situation over 10 months ago.  The case worker called the visit " a chaotic sob fest."  Still anxiously awaiting May 13, 2012.

March 2012 - Permanency goal for Mary officially changed from 'reunification' to 'adoption by non-relative,' only 6 weeks into her case.  

March 2012 - Maggie turns one.  She is perfection in a baby.
April 12, 2012 - More news on Mary:  Case worker states she expects her to stay here, barring some major curve ball, & that TPR should take place August 2012, meaning she could be adopted by the end of the year.  Meaning there is a possibility we could adopt 4 children, in 3 different adoptions, in the same year.  Wow.

May 13, 2012 - After some last minute scrambling to get Maggie placed with biological family &/or fictive kin, none of it comes to fruition.  The 90-day appeal period is up & we start paperwork for her adoption.  Even though the promises to expedite the adoption don't play out (we had hoped to final this month), we are just plain happy.

June 8, 2012 - We JOYFULLY adopt our Maggie - the baby who made us parents.  It was perfect.

July 2012 - Our sweet twins turn four & we celebrate Kung Fu Panda style.

How did we get here?  What happened next?  Read more:

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