The always-darling babies, in order of appearance:
Maggie - placed with us 04/2011 at one month old & joyfully adopted 06/08/2012; she loves bananas, things that aren't toys (namely paper, shoes, wallets, mascara tubes), smiling & laughing, food in general, bath time, being super sassy, making noise in church, daddy getting home, playing with her siblings, being tickled, "Tommy Train" & Hello Kitty, Elsa and Rapunzel, reading stories, walking fast, & singing.
Alex - placed with us 06/2011 at just shy of age 3 & joyfully adopted 02/10/2012; he loves The Lego Movie, dancing, cookies, helping even when it isn't helpful, reading & being brilliant, animals, being fiercely protective of the babies, climbing, singing, sporadic grumpiness, projects, forts, fishing, fighting with his twin brother, doing things himself, being best friends with his twin brother, puddles, & swinging.
Art - also placed with us 06/2011 at just shy of age 3 & joyfully adopted 02/10/2012; he loves Super Hero Sunday with daddy, cars, trucks, drumming, coloring very fast, screaming randomly, things that fly, shopping, hugs, giving the babies kisses, projects, milk, puzzles, not getting messy (weird, right?!), riding his scooter, helping, being really funny all the time, playing with mommy's hair, the zoo, & blankets.
Mary - placed with us 02/2012 at four days old & miraculously adopted 03/07/2014; she loves snuggles, food, her Little People Princess Castle, smiling her giant grin, Sofia the First, bath time, wiggling, being sneaky, jumping off of things, pretending to chew people out, hiding, singing time, being dramatic, reading stories, her blankie (which is named "puppy"), fresh socks, & her mommy. :)
The ever-learning parents:
The mom - stay at home mom & artist/photographer; She loves art, writing, “This American Life” on NPR, animals, learning to garden, home, pencils, getting caught up in a really great series, flip flops, balance, daytrips, kids, holidays, things that are old, blankets, nature, books, chocolate, the babies, recipes, photography, & her family.
The dad - estimator extraordinaire & title holder for HDIC (head daddy in charge); He loves football, comedy, knowledge, gardening, debating anything, exploring, the smell of fresh lumber, fishing, oranges, peanuts, cold winter mornings, pool, being with people, problem solving, photography, the babies, spreadsheets, & his family.
Can't leave out the creatures:
Foxy Mama is the sweetest dog in existence. Also, she is Munk’s mom.
Munk is funny. He is afraid of everything, including kids & birds. He also has OCD.
Ruckus is the newest addition. He looks like a teddy bear & might be insane.